Charles Town Session 8:
I lost $290 in about 6 hours of 1-2 four Saturdays ago (Mar 4). I ran poorly to start, and then played very impatiently. As a result, I realized I still have a lot to improve about my impatience and demeanor. I unfortunately think of Charles Town sessions as discrete benchmarks, meaning when I'm down, I try too hard to make it back to even. In other words, bad cards leads to bad play which leads to further bad play. I was actually down 500+ at one point, but played much better after a dinner break.
Charles Town Session 9:
Today, I played another session (after a four week break to reset) and won $450 in 3.5 hours of 1-2. I ran poorly to start again, so I superstitiously changed my green chips ($25 each) into red ones ($5 each) since I played with mostly green chips last session too. Almost immediately, I went on a huge heater, as I won 4 straight significantly sized hands in a row (a solid player at the table was commenting about my "turkey" after the third hand).
-Hand #1-
I'm dealt KQ on my straddle and call a preflop raise from the one good player at the table (4 of us see the flop). I'll fold KQo in some situations, but this table was extremely passive so I could easily play pot control if I hit a K or Q.
Flop is Kxx rainbow. I check dark and everyone checks behind.
Turn is a Q that puts a flush draw on the board. I bet 30, and the good player calls.
River is another blank. I value bet 45, and he calls after some deliberation. I show KQ and he's very surprised and says good hand.
-Hand #2-
I'm dealt AA on the button and reraise a very small open of 7. I actually get cold called by both blinds. Flop is 445 with two diamonds and the big blind leads into me for 35, which is about 1/6 of his stack (he has the small blind covered and I have them both covered). I figure I'm way ahead with the paired board, and since a flush draw will also have two overcards, it's almost guaranteed to call any raise from me. So with position, I decide to call, reevaluate on the turn if a diamond hits, and punish a flush draw if the turn misses. Surprisingly, small blind also calls.
Turn is a non-diamond Q. Big blind again bets out for about 50. I posture for a while, know that only QQ beats me, and ship. Small blind folds, and big blind thinks for a long time (which makes it obvious to me he has a pocket pair and only two outs). He calls and shows JJ.
River misses and I almost double up.
-Hand #3-
I raise with KJ clubs and get 3 callers.
Flop is Qxx with 2 clubs. I c-bet and get one caller.
Turn is a non-club T. I bet again and he folds.
-Hand #4-
I limp on the hi-jack with 68o and about 6 of us see the flop of 753.
Small blind leads out and only I call.
Turn is a blank. He bets again and I call.
River is the 9. He bets, I raise, he folds instantly.
This stretch basically leaves me at about 850, and I slowly build it up to 992 before what I tell myself will be the last hand (since I have 2 in change for a limp).
-Hand #5-
I limp middle position with K-diamonds, Q hearts. About 6 players see the flop.
Flop comes T63 all diamonds. One of the blinds bets 10, I float (hoping there's no other callers), but one more guy calls.
Turn is a diamond. The blind is visibly frustrated and checks. I check behind, already telling myself that if the guy behind me bets then he has to have the A of diamonds. He does just that by betting 25, but I don't have the discipline to fold, so I call. (This isn't the worst scenario because he still COULD have had something like a pair with a lower diamond on the flop).
River is a blank. I check, and he bets 35. I announce how bad of a player I am for not folding on the turn (since he probably has the A of diamonds at least 80% of the time). I tell him Merry Christmas and call. He shows A4 with the nut flush.
I think through this hand for the about two more hands, and donate about 10 more dollars, which leaves me at 910 (after initially buying in for a net of 460) when I decide to leave.
Time at 1-2 cash tables: 9.5 hours
1-2 Cash: +$160
Poker total: +$160
Gas and food: ~-$30
Net: +$130
-On record career to date-
Time at 1-2 cash tables: 66.5 hours
1-2 Cash: +$2340
Time at 2-5 cash tables: 9 hours
2-5 Cash: +$560
Total time at cash tables: 75.5 hours
Cash games: +$2900
Time at tournies: 12 hours
Tournies: -$570
Poker total: +$2330
Net: +$2140
Brags: I maximized EV with AA for once.
Beats: Still need to work on being more patient.
Variance: I went from having another card-dead session to having a great session in a span of 4 hands.
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